SPP summer school on "Machine Learning in Geosciences" in Neustadt/Weinstr. from 8 - 10 Sep 2020

SPP summer school on "Machine Learning in Geosciences" in Neustadt/Weinstr. 8 - 10 Sep 2020

From Sep 8 - 10, 2020, the SPP summer school took place in the monastery "Herz-Jesu-Kloster" in Neustadt/Weinstr. Aim of the this summer school was to provide basic theoretical background and hands-on experience on machine learning to graduate students and early-carrier scientists in geosciences. The school invited senior experts and early-carrier scientists currently working with machine learning within the research topics of the SPP “DynamicEarth”. They provided tutorials (theory and exercises), which helped the participants to approach their research questions.

We could welcome the following lecturers/tutors:

Begüm Demir & Mahdyar Ravanbakhsh (Technical University of Berlin): Deep Neural Networks for Analysis of Remote Sensing Data

Enrico Camporeale (NOAA): Gaussian Process Regression and its application for the determination of the Earth's magnetic field by using satellite data.

Irina Zhelavskaya (GFZ Potsdam): Study of the plasmasphere using machine learning techniques.

Sarah Burnett (University of Maryland): Machine learning in the modelling of the geodynamo.



Organizing team:
Juan Rodríguez-Zuluaga (GFZ Potsdam)
Carina Haeger (GFZ Potsdam)
Fede Conte (IAP Kühlungsborn)