Ionospheric Current Systems

This topical area addresses E-region ionospheric current systems and field-aligned currents (FACs) at higher latitudes, coupling of the ionosphere and magnetosphere, contributions of ionospheric and field-aligned currents to the energy budget of the atmosphere, near-Earth verification of magnetospheric currents.


List of projects related to this topic

C. Arras:  Global observation of Ionospheric Sporadic E Layers and their relation to Atmospheric and ionospheric phenomena. More information about this project can be found here.

T. Gerzen:  Multi-Satellite ionosphere-plasmasphere Electron density reconstruction (MuSE). More information about this project can be found here.

P. Hartogh:  Coupling of solar and geomagnetic activity with the spatial distribution of trends in green-house gases in the upper atmosphere. More information about this project can be found here.

M. Korte:  Structure of the magnetic lithosphere from global analysis of satellite data.  More information about this project can be found here.

E. Kronberg:  Ions in near-Earth space. More information about this project can be found here.

J. Matzka:  Quantifying solar flux and geomagnetic main field influence on the equatorial thermosphere-ionosphere system for timescales complementary to satellite missions. More information about this project can be found here.

M. Sinnhuber:  The impact of geomagnetic activity on thermospheric composition and circulation, and its coupling to the middle and upper atmosphere. More information about this project can be found here.

C. Stolle:  Spatiotemporal variations of electromagnetic characteristics of equatorial plasma depletions. More information about this project can be found here.

J. Vogt:  Multi-Spacecraft Investigations of Coupling at Auroral Latitudes (MuSICAL): Field-Aligned Current Energetics and Scales. More information about this project can be found here.

A complete list of projects can be found here.